Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Slice Goes Non-Interactive

In an announcement posted on the site today, Slice of Laodicea, one of the blogs I frequent (which also holds a place in my blogroll on the right side of your screen) has gone non-interactive. Ingrid, the site's founder and lead contributor, cited abuse of the comment section, and the division and confusion often caused by the comments. I don't mean to be critical of Ingrid or any of the site's contributors, but I will say that this likely won't change anything. While I appreciate many of the posts on the site, a lot of misquoting and error goes on there as well, and there are many who rightly take them to task in the comment section of the blog for these errors, until the comments are shut off or the person leaving comments is banned from doing so. I have to wonder how much accountability there will be at the site in light of this decision.

In spite of the decision to permanently disable comments at Slice, you can still post your thoughts on articles posted to the site. Click on Emergent What? in my blogroll to do so. Emergent What? is an aggregator site for several blogs.

One more thing; if you would like to suggest a blog for my blogroll, please feel free to do so.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Christianity Today releases list of Top 50 Books

This morning, Christianity Today published their list of the Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals. The list was limited to books published after World War II, and according to the article, the staff vigorously debated the books included on the list, and the debate continues even after the list has been released. The full list is available online, along with comments from the publishers about why each book was included, and/or a little background on each.

(HT: Steve Camp at Slice of Laodicea)

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Quote of the Day

"We are quick to pick up swords, but slow to pick up towels." ~Tommy Tenney

I happen to have TBN on in the background (they were showing a program on Billy Graham a little while ago) while I do some ironing, and Tommy Tenney is the guest on the program currently airing. In the above quote, what he is saying is that we are quick to jump into a fight, cut each other down, and generally cause (or join) strife, but we are slow to serve each other. If it stopped me in the middle of my ironing, and moved me to get online and post this, you know it's good.

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